Choosing a Cloud Vendor


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Sold By: Security Careers Help


Watching the clouds in the sky can be relaxing on a lovely summer’s day. But there are too many to count them all, and you’d probably get overwhelmed if you tried. Trying to choose a cloud vendor to take care of your organization’s data can feel overwhelming, too. Because just like real clouds in the sky, there are so many potential vendors out there. These days, organizations can’t afford not to engage with cloud services, as they can bring huge benefits to businesses. New potential vendors appear regularly, and it’s challenging to figure out which one is the best match for your organization. Recognizing the main different types of cloud services will help you make sense of what’s being offered. And understanding what to consider when choosing a vendor will help you make the right choice. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: • Recognize the 3 main types of cloud services • Understand the importance of scalability • Identify the key considerations to explore when choosing a cloud vendor that meets your organization’s needs Why take this course? Everyone working in an IT environment needs to understand what to consider when choosing a cloud vendor. This course will help you make sense of the main types of cloud services offered by vendors. It’ll also help you understand the key considerations to explore when choosing a vendor, including scalability. 10 mins | SCORM | Workbook


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