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Have you ever presented something as a fact, when in reality it might have been fiction? Writing an effective report relies on ensuring that everything you include is correct, no matter how well you know the subject. To make sure you get your facts right, you need to do your research. Good research isn’t just about collecting as much data as you can. You also need to be able to recognize which sources are reliable, and which are less trustworthy. Poor information gathering or presentation might mean you present incorrect information and could affect your credibility. So, it’s important to develop your research skills to ensure you’re increasing your knowledge and communicating new facts to your colleagues effectively. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: • Recognize reliable sources • Gather and select useful information • Organize and present your findings effectively Why take this course? This course is aimed at anyone who needs to write reports and might need to refresh their research skills. It will help you plan a clear course of action for your research, gather relevant information, and show your findings in a well-organized document or presentation. 10 mins | SCORM | Infographic
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